216 Library Error Codes Appendix
82 52H Incorrect external
SCSI connection.
Library connected to
wrong type of SCSI
Check the cable configuration (see Connecting and
Powering on the Library on page 32).
89 59H Cleaning cartridge
has expired.
Use a new cleaning cartridge.
90 5AH Not a cleaning
Insert a cleaning cartridge.
100 64H Library controller
unable to
communicate with
drive module.
Power cycle the library.
101 65H Drive module unable
to communicate with
Power cycle the library.
102 66H Drive command
timeout on drive
module controller.
Command timeout on 8051.
103 67H A drive module
controller has failed.
Power cycle the library and re-try. Replace the drive
module if unsuccessful (see Removing and
Replacing Drive Modules on page 162).
104 68H Failed drive module
Power cycle the library.
105 69H Drive module serial
timeout to drive.
Retry command.
110 6EH Library controller
unable to
communicate with
slave card.
Power cycle the library.
Table 46
Error Codes and Recovery Procedures
Description Recovery Method