80 Using Tapes Chapter 2
DLT Bar Code
Ensure that you use HP qualified bar code labels only. Contact an HP
authorized dealer or sales representative for current compatibility and
You can order DLT bar code labels through the following supplier:
■ Colorflex:
— Website: http://www.colorflex.com
— Phone: (800) 522-3528 (800-LABEL2U)
Table 10 lists part numbers for Colorflex bar code labels.
Using DLT Cleaning Cartridges
DLT drives should only be cleaned if the clean drive icon displays on the tape
library status bar. Only use appropriately formatted data cartridges and
approved cleaning cartridges (see Table 9 on page 79), and follow the
instructions for Cleaning a Drive on page 87. In general, replace DLT cleaning
cartridges after twenty uses. Marking the label on the cleaning cartridge after
each use will help you keep track of the number of uses.
Caution Excessive use of the cleaning cartridge can cause unnecessary
wear on the drive head. The tape library front panel will display
a message when the DLT cleaning cartridge needs to be
See Troubleshooting Common Problems on page 140 for information on
troubleshooting common cleaning problems.
Table 10 Colorflex DLT Bar Code Labels
Part Number Description
1703-0D DLT Data Cartridge Label
1703-CN DLT Cleaning Cartridge Label
1703-DG DLT Diagnostic Cartridge Label