
Multiple Instance Spanning-Tree Operation
802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP)
Configuring MST Instance Parameters
Command Page
spanning-tree instance < 1..16 > vlan < vid> [ vid..vid ]
no spanning-tree instance < 1..16 >
spanning-tree instance < 1..16 > priority < 0..15 > page
spanning-tree priority < 0..15 > page
Syntax: spanning-tree instance < 1..16 > vlan < vid [ vid..vid ] >
no spanning-tree instance < 1..16 >
Configuring MSTP on the switch automatically configures the
IST instance and places all statically configured VLANs on the
switch into the IST instance. This command creates a new
MST instance (MSTI) and moves the VLANs you specify from
the IST to the MSTI. At least one VLAN must be mapped to a
MSTI when you create it. (A VLAN cannot be mapped to more
than one instance at a time.) You can create up to 16 MSTIs
in a region. Use the no form of the command to remove a VLAN
from an MSTI. (Removing a VLAN from an MSTI returns the
VLAN to the IST instance, where it can either remain or be re-
assigned to another MSTI configured in the region.)
The no form of the command deletes the specified MSTI and
returns all VLAN assignments to the region’s IST instance.