
PIM-SM (Sparse Mode)
Event Log Messages
Message Meaning
Rcvd unkwn addr fmly <add-family> in
<pkt-type> pkt from < ip-addr >
A PIM packet with an unknown address family was
Rcvd <pkt-type> pkt with bad len from
< ip-addr >
A PIM packet with an inconsistent length was received from
the indicated IP address.
Send error(< error-# >) on < packet-type >
pkt on VID < vid-# >
Send packet failed on the indicated VLAN.
Static RP configuration failure:
< src-ip-addr >, < multicast-addr >
The configuration of a static RP for the indicated multicast
group has failed on the indicated interface.
Unable to alloc a buf of size < size >
for < memory element >
PIM_DM could not allocate memory for the indicated buffer.
Unable to alloc a msg buffer for
< system-event >
Informs the user that a message buffer could not be
allocated for the indicated system event.
Unable to allocate <table-type> table
The PIM interface has been removed due to an IP address
removal or change.
Unexpected state/event < state >/<event >
in < statemachine > statemach
PIM received an event type in a state that was not expected.
VLAN is not configured for IP.
A VLAN must be statically configured with a primary IP
address before enabling PIM-SM on that VLAN. If the VLAN
has no IP address or is configured to acquire a primary IP
address by using DHCP/Bootp, it cannot be configured to
support PIM-SM.