
TM 11-6625-2965-14&P
tracts directly from the available output voltage
and also reduces the amplitude of the feedback er-
ror signals that are developed within the unit. Be-
cause of these factors it is recommended that the
drop in each load lead not exceed 1 Volt. If a
larger drop must be tolerated, please consuIt a
Due to the voltage drop in the load
leads, it may be necessary to readjust
the current limit in the remote sensing
Another factor that must be considered is
the inductance of long load leads which could af-
fect the stability of the feedback loop and cause
oscillation. In these cases, it is recommended
that the output capacitor (C20) be physically re-
moved from the power supply and placed across
the output terminals.
3-29 Although the strapping patterns shown in
Figures 3-4 and 3-5 employ local sensing, notice
that it is possible to operate a power supply si-
multaneously in the remote sensing and the remote
programming modes.
3-31 Normal Series Connections (Figure 3-7).
Two or more power supplies can be operated in
series to obtain a higher voltage than that avail-
able from a single supply. When this configuration
is used, the output voltage is the sum of the volt-
A7 A6 A8 A10-S + GND – –S
A7 A6 A8 A10 - S + GND – –S
Figure 3-7. Normal Series Connections
ages of the individual supplies. Each of the indi-
vidual supplies must be adjusted in order to obtain
the total output voltage. The power supply con-
tains a protective diode connected internally
across the output which protects the supply if one
power supply is turned off while its series part-
ner(s) is on.
3-32 Auto-Series Connections (Figure 3-8). The
Auto-Series configuration is used when it is de-
sirable to have the output voltage of each of the
series connected supplies vary in accordance with
the setting of a control unit. The control unit is
called the master; the controlled units are called
slaves. At maximum output voltage, the voltage
of the slaves is determined by the setting of the
front panel VOLTAGE control on the master. The
master supply must be the most positive supply of
the series.
The current limit settings of all series
Figure 3-8, Auto-Series, Two and Three Units