units are effective and the current limit for the
entire configuration is equal to the lowest current
limit setting. If any of the settings are too low,
automatic crossover to current limiting operation
will occur and the output voltage will drop. Re-
mote sensing and programming can be used; how-
ever, the strapping arrangements shown in the ap-
plicable figures show local sensing and program-
3-33 In order to maintain the temperature coeffi-
cient and stability specifications of the power
supply, the external resistors (Rx) shown in Figure
3-8 should be stable, low noise, low temperature
coefficient (less than 30ppm per degree Centigrade)
resistors. The value of each resistor is dependant
on the maximum voltage rating of the master sup-
The value of Rx is this voltage divided by the
voltage programming current of the slave supply
(l/Kp where Kp is the voltage programming coeffi-
cient). The voltage contribution of the slave is
TM 11-6625-2965-14&P
determined by its voltage control setting.
3-34 Auto-Parallel. The strapping patterns for
Auto-Parallel operation of two and three
power sup-
plies are shown in Figure 3-9. Auto-Parallel op-
eration permits equal current sharing under all load
conditions, and allows complete control of the out-
put current from one master power supply. The out-
put current of each slave will be approximately
equal to the master’s regardless of the load condi-
tions. Because the output current controls of each
slave are operative, they should be set to maximum
to avoid having the slave revert to constant current
operation; this would occur if the master output
current setting exceeded the slave’s. In Model
6205B, it is necessary to make internal connections
in order to operate the supply in this mode. The
internal connections, specified in Figure 3-9,
made to the sampling terminals of the current sam-
pling terminals of the current sampling resistor,
R54 (see Figure 5-2).