Insight Manager 7 SNMP Extensions utility
registering a MIB
Registration of a MIB compiles the information into the Insight Manager 7 database. MIBs
require a short interval to become fully registered. The more information, such as the number of
traps, the longer the registration takes.
When you register, you can create a logfile and an editfile for a MIB.
Logfiles—A logfile is a record of the MIB registration. A logfile is created in the subdirectory
Program Files\HP\HP Insight Manager 7.07\log. It has the registered name of the MIB with the
suffix of TXT. For example, the CPQClus.MIB log file is CPQCLUS.TXT. You can find the logfiles
in the default directory:
\Program Files\HP\Insight Manager 7\log
Editfiles—An editfile, known as the REV file, is the mechanism that enables you to introduce
edited MIB information into the database without modifying the source MIB. The editfile has the
registered name of the MIB with the suffix REV. For example, the editfile for the CPQHLTH.MIB is
You can find the REV editfile in the same directory as the MIBs:
\Program Files\HP\Insight Manager 7\compaq\protocol\snmp\Mibs
The editfiles that are provided have the addition of modifiable fields called #TYPE, #SEVERITY,
and #CATEGORY. These fields have values for trap descriptions. When a MIB is registered
using the REV files, the additional information is placed into the database. Once a MIB is
registered, a REV file can be created from the database after the MIB is registered.
In the future, if you choose to register a MIB from its source file, the information that is contained
only in the REV file will no longer be in the database. In addition, the information would not be
in a REV file that was created from the database after the source MIB registration.
You should back up the REV file changes, so if the installed REV editfiles are lost or damaged,
you can reinstall them from from your back up copy.
You can use the REV editfile in any of the following ways:
• If an editfile exists, you can edit it and maintain more complete information in the
database. You can edit from the Insight Manager 7 or the command line.
• After you have registered a MIB, you can register the REV editfile.
• An accurate and recent MIB is your best source of device management information.