Insight Manager 7 SNMP Extensions utility
using trap categories
Trap Categories are logical groupings of SNMP traps. Categories are used to sort the Event
by Type criteria list. SNMP Extensions lets you modify existing assignments by moving traps
between categories. SNMP Extensions also enables you to create new categories and move
traps from the default assignment to the new category.
Insight Manager 7 defines the following default categories:
• Generic—Traps from RFC standard MIBs and traps that are not associated with a
specific piece of software or a specific device. This category also includes some
generic traps from HP MIBs and Digital MIBs.
• System and Environmental—Temperature, CPU conditions, memory, chassis, and
other related traps generated from the server.
• Cluster—Cluster-generated traps, including fail-over, resource sharing, and the
physical components that comprise the cluster.
• NetWare—Traps specifically generated by a NetWare server. This category includes
traps generated by the NWALARM MIB.
• NDS—Traps generated by the NDSTRAP MIB.
• Remote Monitoring and Management—Traps generated from remote monitoring
and management processors, including the Remote Insight Board.
• Backup—Traps from software and hardware specifically assigned to a backup or
recovery task. Note that tape device-specific traps remain in the Storage category.
• Networking Devices—Traps from switches, routers, hubs, etc.
• NIC—Traps relating to network cards.
• UPS—Software and hardware for UPS use.
• Storage—Local and remote storage, RAID devices, tape, disk, controllers, SCSI, and
IDE devices.