The acronym for the Comite International Special des Perturbations
Radio-electriques (International Special Committee on Radio Interference)
or the International Commercial EMC Advisory Committee.
clear-write mode
This is an analyzer function that clears the specified trace (A, B, or C)
from the display, then sweeps (updates) the trace each time trigger
conditions are met. When trigger conditions are met, the new input-signal
data is displayed, then cleared, and the process begins again.
conducted emissions
Unwanted signals coupled onto the power or signal lines by a particular
A set of instructions that are translated into instrument actions. The
actions are usually made up of individual steps that together can execute
an operation. Generally, for analyzers it is a sequence of code that
controls some operation of an analyzer. These codes can be keyed in via a
controller, or computer. Refer also to function.
continuous sweep mode
The analyzer condition where traces are automatically updated each time
trigger conditions are met.
Annotation indicating a corrected measurement condition exists. It
appears when correction factors are being applied to measurement results.
If the CORR message is not displayed, the measurements may not meet