single-sweep mode
The analyzer sweeps once when trigger conditions are met. Each sweep
is initiated by pressing an appropriate front-panel key, or by sending a
programming command.
A wave whose electric-field vector is proportional to the sine (or cosine) of
an angle that is a linear function of tune, or distance or both.
Key labels displayed on a screen or monitor which are activated by
mechanical keys surrounding the display, or located on a keyboard.
Softkey selections usually evoke menus that are written into the program
software. Front-panel key selections determine which menu (set of
softkeys) appears on the display.
Span equals the stop frequency minus the start frequency. The span
setting determines the horizontal-axis scale of the analyzer display.
span accuracy
The uncertainty of the indicated frequency separation of any two signals
on the display.
spectral purity
See noise sidebands.
spectral component
One of the sine waves comprising a spectrum.
An array of sine waves differing in frequency and amplitude. They are
properly related with respect to phase and, taken as a whole, constitute a
particular time-domain signal.