Chapter 3. Upgrading the Enterprise Virtual Array to v3.020
During a rolling upgrade of the storage system software, VCS is upgraded on the HSV
controllers, while they are still receiving I/O from the applications on the host servers. The
HSV controller
s are upgraded one controller at a time, using the native redundancy of the
EVA to provide continuous communication with the hosts.
If you have a Co
ntinuous Access EVA configuration and your storage systems are running VCS
v3.010 (or lat
er), you c an perform an on line upgrade.
When you upgrade an EVA storage system that is connected to one ore more EVA storage
systems in a Continuous Access EVA relationship, there are some special considerations.
Before you upgrade any storage system in a Continuous Access EVA relationship, ensure that
all of the storage systems are running the same version of VCS. Therefore, when you upgrade
one storage system, the resulting storage network will have two versions of VCS. You cannot
have more than two VCS versions in a Continuous Access EVA solution. During the time that
the Continuous Access EVA storage systems are running different VCS versions, you cannot
make any configuration changes to your storage systems. Furthermore, you must perform the
necessary upgrades (or downgrades) to the storage systems in the Continuous Access EVA
relationship within one week to make all of the VCS versions the same.
You cannot perform an online upgrade if you have a host server with Windows Server 2003 or AIX
with SecurePath 2.0D SP2. If you hav e host servers with these operating systems, you must perform
an offline upgrade of the stor age system software. After you perfo rm on offline upgr ade on a
storage system connected to a Windows Server 2003, rescan the disks in the storage system to v erify
that the storage is available to the host server.
You can also perform an offline upgrade of the storage system software. The offline upgrade
requires you to stop the applications on the host machines to avoid host access to the storage
system. The offline upgrade is described in Step 4 of the system software upgrade procedure.
To upgrade the storage system software (including VCS on the HSV controllers), perform
the following steps:
Make sure you add the required license keys before you upgrade the VCS version. See Step 7:
Loading the add-on licenses for more information about adding license keys. See Required licenses
for information about license versions.
1. Open Command View EVA in your browser.
2. Select a storage system in the Navigation pane.
You ca n select an unitialized or initialized storage system.
The properties page for the selected storage system displays.
hp Stor ageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Updating Product
Software Instructions