Boot Console Interface Model C100/110
Searching for Bootable Media
Searching for Bootable Media
To list all devices that may contain bootable media,
follow the directions in “Accessing the Boot Console
Interface” earlier in this chapter, and then type the fol-
lowing at the prompt:
search ipl
The search may turn up more devices than there are
lines on your display. If you are using a text terminal,
you may control the progress of the search from your
terminal’s keyboard using the following keyboard
• To hold the display temporarily, press Ctrl S
• To continue the display, press Ctrl Q
• To halt the search, press any other key
These flow-control commands do not work with a bit-
mapped display, but such a display can show more
than forty lines of text, so you are unlikely to need
To search for devices of just one type that actually
contain bootable media, follow the directions in
“Accessing the Boot Console Interface” earlier in this
chapter, and then type the following at the prompt:
search ipl device_type