Boot Console Interface Model C160L/160/180/200/240
ISL Environment
ISL Environment
The ISL environment provides the means to load the
operating system (HP-UX) environment. The ISL
environment also provides an offline platform to exe-
cute diagnostic and utility programs from a boot
device when HP-UX does not load.
The ISL program is the first program loaded into main
memory from an external media (LAN, disk, or tape)
and launched by the initial program loader (IPL) rou-
tine from the Boot Administration environment.
The ISL environment provides the following capabili-
• Execute user-entered commands to modify boot device
paths and boot options in stable storage
• Run offline diagnostic programs and utilities
• Provide automatic booting of the HP-UX O/S after
power-on or reset
Invoking ISL from the Boot Console Interface
Perform the following steps to invoke ISL from the
boot console interface:
1 Follow the directions in “Accessing the Boot Console In-
terface” earlier in this chapter, and then type the follow-
ing at the prompt:
boot device
You are prompted:
Interact with ISL (Y,N,Q) > y