Support Notes for Windows 2000 AS on HP carrier Grade Server cc3310
Preparing to Install Windows 2000 AS
Setting Up a Service Partition
The service partition contains diagnostics and tools to allow for configuration modifications if problems
occur. Your system should have a pre-loaded service partition. The service partition is present if the F4 key
is visible at the bottom of the screen during initial boot of the system. If the service partition is present, you
can proceed to Installing the Windows 2000 AS Operating System as documented later in this procedure.
If F4 is not visible on initial boot, set up a service partition as follows:
NOTE These directions for setting up a service partition assume that the BIOS gives priority to the
CD-ROM drives over the hard drive.
1. Power on your system and insert the HP Server cc3310 User Information Diagnostics and Utilities
Resource CD into the CD-ROM drive. The server will boot from the CD and display the Server
Configuration Wizard.
2. Click Continue.
3. Select Server Configuration Utilities.
4. Click Continue.
5. Press 3 on the Service Partition Administration Menu to create a service partition.
6. When prompted: On which drive should a service partition be installed, press the number for the
appropriate drive.
NOTE The service partition is installed on a DOS (FAT) file system and must therefore exist in the
first 8 GB of the disk drive. A disk drive must be empty to create a service partition. If the
disk drive is not empty, the service partition utility cannot create the partition in the first
8 GB.
7. When the following message is displayed, press the Enter key.
“The service was created successfully. The system will now be rebooted. After the reboot, return to this
utility and choose the option to format and install software. The service partition will not operate
correctly until it is formatted and software has been installed onto it. Strike a key when ready . . .”
8. After rebooting, the HP Server cc3310 User Information Diagnostics and Utilities Resource CD software
runs again from the CD, displaying the Server Configuration Wizard. Press Continue.
9. Select Server Configuration Utilities and click Continue.
10. Select Run Partition Administrator and click Continue.
11. Press 4 to format the service partition and install software.
12. When prompted with: “Proceed with FORMAT?” press y.