Support Notes for Windows 2000 AS on HP carrier Grade Server cc3310
Preparing to Install Windows 2000 AS
3. Under the File menu select New/Folder and create the folder: C:\cd-root.
NOTE You must have a minimum of 80 MBs of free disk space on the system.
4. Double-click on My Computer and open the CD drive that contains the Windows 2000 CD by right-
clicking the drive letter and selecting Open.
5. Under the Edit menu select Select all. Under the Edit menu select Copy to folder. Then select C:\CD-
root as the destination. It will take approximately 5 minutes to copy the files from the CD.
6. Remove the Windows 2000 CD and insert the HP Server cc3310 User Information Diagnostics and
Utilities Resource CD. Using the file browser, select and copy the following files from the resource CD, to
the newly created C:\CD-root\I386 folder:
• UTILITY/U320 /raidsrc.sys
• UTILITY/U320 /a320raid.sys
• UTILITY/U320 /a320raid.cat.
For Windows 2000 Advanced Server (without any service packs on your master), copy the
TXTSETUP.SIF file from the CD's UTILITY/U320/w2k_as folder to the C:\CD-root\I386 folder. Enter
yes when asked about overwriting the existing TXTSETUP.SIF file.
For Windows 2000 Advanced Server (with SP3 on your master), copy the TXTSETUP.SIF file from the
CD's UTILITY/U320/w2k_as_sp3 folder to the C:\CD-root\I386 folder. Enter yes when asked about
overwriting the existing TXTSETUP.SIF file.
For other versions (Service packs) of Windows 2000, the existing TXTSETUP.SIF can be edited to
include the following lines. Insert these lines in the locations where you find similar entries for
• adpu320.sys = 1,,,,,,5_,4,1:\CD-root,,,1,4
• raidsrc.sys = 1,,,,,,5_,4,1,,,1,4
• PCI\VEN_9005&DEV_8011 = “adpu320”
• PCI\VEN_9005&DEV_801F = “adpu320”
• PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0600 = “raidsrc”
• adpu320 = adpu320.sys,4
• raidsrc = raidsrc.sys,4
• adpu320 = “Adaptec Ultra320 Family SCSI Controller”
• raidsrc = “RAID Controller”
The contents of “C:\CD-root” are now complete, and the custom Windows 2000 Advanced Server CD
creation can begin.