Index 109
access panel 22, 23
ACU (Array Configuration Utility) 61
additional information 71
ADU (Array Diagnostic Utility) 68
Advanced ECC memory 43
air baffle 23, 24
airflow requirements 30
Altiris eXpress Deployment Server 62
Array Configuration Utility (ACU) 61
Array Diagnostic Utility (ADU) 68
authorized reseller 97
auto-configuration process 60
Automatic Server Recovery (ASR) 63
Autorun menu 59
batteries, replacing 92
battery 14, 87, 92
battery cabling for BBWC 56
battery pack LEDs 18
battery replacement notice 92
battery-backed write cache (BBWC) 18
beep codes 86
BIOS Serial Console 61
BIOS upgrade 63
blue screen event 14
boot options 61
BSMI notice 91
buttons 7, 11
cable management arm 27, 32, 33
cables 55, 74, 89
cabling 55, 56, 57, 58
cabling, BBWC 55, 56
cabling, fan board 56
cabling, hard drive backplane 57
cabling, hot-plug SAS hard drive 55
cabling, media drive bay 58
cabling, Systems Insight Display 57
Canadian notice 89
Care Pack 29, 70
cautions 72
CD-ROM drive 47
class A equipment 88
class B equipment 88
component identification 7, 14
components 7
configuration of system 35, 59
Configuration Replication Utility 60
configuration tools 59
connection problems 74
connectors 7
contact information 97
contacting HP 97
crash dump analysis 14
creating a disk image 62
CSR (customer self repair) 97
customer self repair (CSR) 97
DC power supply 48
Declaration of Conformity 89
deployment software 62
device numbers 16
diagnosing problems 71, 74
diagnostic tools 59, 62, 63, 67
diagnostics utility 67
DIMM banks, population 43
DIMM installation guidelines 43
DIMM slot locations 13
DIMMs 13, 43
DIMMs, installation 43
diskette drive 47
diskette image creation 62
drive LEDs 16, 17
drivers 69
DVD/CD-ROM drive, removing 47
electrical grounding requirements 31
electrostatic discharge 94
environmental requirements 30