38 HP E1312A/E1412A Multimeter Application Information Chapter 2
Resolution Resolution is expressed in terms of number of digits the multimeter can
measure. You can set the resolution to 4½, 5½ or 6½-digits by specifying
the integration time (PLCs or aperture time), which is the period the
multimeter's analog-to-digital (A/D) converter samples the input signal for
a measurement. To increase measurement accuracy and improve noise
rejection, specify more PLCs (longer integration time). To increase
measurement speed, specify fewer PLCs (shorter integration time).
This applies to all measurement functions.
The resolution for math operations is the same resolution for the
measurement function being measured. Table 2-6 illustrates the correlation
between Number of Power Line Cycles and Resolution. See the tables
beginning on page 70 for detailed cross-reference of function ranges to
resolution as a function of NPLCs or Aperture Time.
• Resolution is stored in volatile memory. The multimeter sets itself to
10 PLCs at power-on or after a module reset.
• DC voltage ratio measurements use both the HI-LO input terminals
(input signal) and the HI-LO “
4W Sense” terminals (the reference
signal). The resolution specified applies to the input signal applied to
the HI-LO input terminals for ratio measurements and not the
reference signal applied to the “Sense” terminals.
• Set the resolution using the following commands:
function>? <range>|MIN|MAX,<resolution>|MIN|MAX
Table 2-6. Resolution of Power Line Cycles
Number of Power Line Cycles (NPLC) Resolution
0.02 0.0001 X Full-Scale
0.2 0.00001 X Full-Scale
1 0.000003 X Full-Scale
10 0.000001 X Full-Scale
100 0.0000003 X Full-Scale