HP E1312A/E1412A Multimeter Application Information 65Chapter 2
Program Description The instruments are programmed using Direct I/O objects connected as
required by the sequence of SCPI commands. Reading of the HP E1476A
status byte is performed using the
I/O | Advanced I/O | Device Event object
SPOLL whose action is set to
ANY SET and its mask set to #H80. This mask
allows reading only the OPR bit of the status byte (bit 7) which gets set by
bit 8 (Scan Complete) from the Operation Status Register when the switch
module completes the scan list. Following the detection of scan complete,
the readings are retrieved with the Multimeter’s
FETCh? command and sent
in an array format to an HP VEE
AlphaNumeric Display object titled
HP E1412A Measurements. The readings are also sent to a Strip Chart
object which gives a plot of the measurements.
Strip Chart Object In parallel with the HP E1412A Measurements AlphaNumeric Display
object is a
Strip Chart Display object that displays the readings of the eight
channels. The
Strip Chart has an Auto Scale button to automatically scale
the horizontal and vertical axis to best display the measured data. Upper and
lower boundary traces could be added to the strip chart’s display.