
HP4402.book : chapter4.fm 8 Wed Apr 23 15:29:05 1997
Error Messages
Error Messages
4-8 HP EPM-442A User’s Guide
-231 Data questionable;CAL ERROR ChB
Power meter calibration failed on channel B. The most likely cause is
attempting to calibrate without applying a 1 mW power to the power
-231 Data questionable;Input Overload ChA
The power input to Channel A exceeds the power sensor’s maximum
-231 Data questionable;Input Overload ChB
The power input to Channel B exceeds the power sensor’s maximum
-231 Data questionable;Lower window log error
This indicates that a difference measurement in the lower window has
given a negative result when the units of measurement were
-231 Data questionable;Upper window log error
This indicates that a difference measurement in the upper window has
given a negative result when the units of measurement were
-231 Data questionable;ZERO ERROR ChA
Power meter zeroing failed on channel A. The most likely cause is
attempting to zero when some power signal is being applied to the
power sensor.
-231 Data questionable;ZERO ERROR ChB
Power meter zeroing failed on channel B. The most likely cause is
attempting to zero when some power signal is being applied to the
power sensor.
-241 Hardware missing
The power meter is unable to execute the command because either no
power sensor is connected or it expects an HP E-series power sensor
and one is not connected.
-310 System error;Ch A Dty Cyc may impair accuracy with ECP
This indicates that the sensor connected to channel A is for use with
CW signals only.