HP4402.book : chapter2.fm 44 Wed Apr 23 15:29:05 1997
Power Meter Operation
Recorder Output
2-44 HP EPM-442A User’s Guide
Leveling a Source Output
The Recorder output can be used to level an output from a source using
external leveling. The following procedure explains how to do this:
1. Select the channel to be represented on the Recorder Output by
pressing , , , .
2. The highest power you are going to measure is used to determine
the value which you should set for the Recorder Output maximum
setting. For example, if you are measuring a power less than 1 mW
and greater than 100 µW, then set the recorder maximum value to
To set the maximum value press , ,
, and enter the appropriate
3. Press and enter 0 W.
4. Press to “On”.
50 dBm (100 W)
40 dBm (10 W)
30 dBm (1 W)
20 dBm (100 mW)
10 dBm (10 mW)
0 dBm (1 mW)
-10 dBm (100 µW)
-20 dBm (10 µW)
-30 dBm (1 µW)
-40 dBm (100 nW)
-50 dBm (10 nW)
-60 dBm (1 nW)
Recorder Output Output A B
Recorder Output Max Power
Min Power
Output Off On