HP4402.book : chapter4.fm 6 Wed Apr 23 15:29:05 1997
Error Messages
Error Messages
4-6 HP EPM-442A User’s Guide
-148 Character data not allowed
A discrete parameter was received but a character string or a numeric
parameter was expected. Check the list of parameters to verify that you
have used a valid parameter type.
For example, MEM:CLE CUSTOM_1.
-151 Invalid string data
An invalid string was received. Check to see if you have enclosed the
character string in single or double quotes.
For example, MEM:CLE “CUSTOM_1.
-158 String data not allowed
A character string was received but is not allowed for the command.
Check the list of parameters to verify that you have used a valid
parameter type.
For example, LIM:STAT ‘ON’.
-161 Invalid block data
A block data element was expected but was invalid for some reason. For
example, *DDT #15FET. The 5 in the string indicates that 5 characters
should follow, whereas in this example there are only 3.
-168 Block data not allowed
A legal block data element was encountered but not allowed by the
power meter at this point.
For example SYST:LANG #15FETC?.
-178 Expression data not allowed
A legal expression data was encountered but not allowed by the power
meter at this point.
For example SYST:LANG (5+2).
-211 Trigger ignored
Indicates that <GET> or *TRG, or TRIG:IMM was received and
recognized by the device but was ignored because the power meter was
not in the wait for trigger state.
-213 Init ignored
Indicates that a request for a measurement initiation was ignored as
the power meter was already initiated.
For example, INIT:CONT ON