HP4402.book : chapter2.fm 31 Wed Apr 23 15:29:05 1997
Power Meter Operation
Measuring Pulsed Signals
HP EPM-442A User’s Guide 2-31
To set the duty cycle:
1. Press , . The current setting of the
duty cycle is displayed under the softkey.
2. To change this setting press . The power meter
displays the duty cycle in a pop up window. Modify this value (see
below) until the desired duty cycle is displayed.
■ Use or to modify the digit on which the cursor is
currently positioned.
■ Use or to move to other digits.
3. To confirm your choice press .
4. is automatically set to “On” when a value is
entered using .
Duty cycle can be disabled and re-enabled simply by pressing
Note Pulse power averages out any aberrations in the pulse such as
overshooting or ringing. For this reason it is called pulse power
and not peak power or peak pulse power.
In order to ensure accurate pulse power readings, the input signal
must be pulsed with a rectangular pulse. Other pulse shapes (such
as triangle, chirp or Gaussian) will cause erroneous results.
The pulse power on/off ratio must be much greater than the duty
cycle ratio.
A Input Settings
Duty Cycle
Duty Cycle
Duty Cycle Off On
Duty Cycle
Duty Cycle Off On