146 Chapter 7
Recovering from failures
Rebooting the system
Rebooting the system
Once a problem has been corrected, reset and reboot the system.
Step 1. Reset the V-Class server. See “Resetting the V2500/V2600 server
hardware” on page 134.
Step 2. If the system panicked due to a corrupted file system, fsck will report
the errors and any corrections it makes. If fsck terminates and requests
to be run manually, refer to Managing Systems and Workgroups for
further instructions. If the problems were associated with the root file
system, fsck will ask the operator to reboot the system when it finishes.
Use the command:
reboot -n
The -n option tells reboot not to sync the file system before rebooting.
Since fsck has made all the corrections on disk, this will not undo the
changes by writing over them with the still corrupt memory buffers.
Monitoring the system after a system panic
If the system successfully reboots, there is a good chance that it can
resume normal operations. Many system panics are isolated events,
unlikely to reoccur.
Check applications to be sure that they are running properly and
monitor the system closely for the next 24 hours. For a short while,
backups may be done more frequently than normal until confidence in
the system has been restored.