54 Chapter 3
SSP operation
SSP file system
SSP file system
The /spp and /users/sppuser directories contain most of the SSP specific
files. Other files in various directories are also modified. This section
restricts, however, its discussion to the /spp directory.
Figure 23 shows the SSP file system structure for V2500/V2600 servers.
Figure 23 SSP file system for V2500/V2600 servers
The /spp/etc directory contains many of the unique daemons that run on
the SSP. These daemons manage of the V-Class node. Two daemons that
are always running on the SSP are:
ccmd A daemon that maintains a database of information
about the V-Class hardware. It also monitors the
system and reports any significant changes in system
status. For more information, see the ccmd man page.
etc (spp specific daemons)
bin (compiled executables)
scripts (executable scripts)
firmware (firmware directory)
est (support for scan testing)
man (Man pages for /spp commands)
data (ccmd_log and config files)
(consolelogs, event_log, hard_hist)
(consolelog, event_log, hard_hist)