Users can send faxes directly from the digital sender. They have the ability to select
destinations from a fax numbers book already loaded in the digital sender, or type the
at the control panel. The same document can be sent to multiple fax numbers.
Sending faxes with the digital sender requires an account with a supported Internet fax
provider. Visit the HP digital sender website (http://www.digitalsender.hp.com
) for a list
of the Internet fax providers that are currently supported.
You can enable send to printer by setting up one or more HPJetSend-enabled printers on
the network for use with the digital sender. The printers you designate must be
HPJetSend-enabled, connected to the network, and have a valid TCP/IP address. See the
HPJetSend website (http://www.jetsend.com
) for a list of HPJetSend-enabled printers.