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E-mail Qualit Default image quality used for documents sent by e-mail.
Choices: B/W Document, Color Document, Color-B/W Photo.
E-mail File Form a Default format for documents sent by e-mail.
Choices: PDF or TIFF
Auto BCC Function
Registered user who activates the copy self option in the user
profile receives a copy of any e-mail message the user sends
from the digital sender.
LDAP Server Addres IP address of the server that hosts the LDAP (Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol) directory for e-mail address
sets the address to
If left blank or cleared, the function is disabled.
LDAP Search Root Basepoint (root) from which to start searches for names on the
LDAP directory server. Directories are often represented in a
hierarchical way using a tree. The basepoint might be a country,
an organization, or other type of group. Not all servers require
this information.
Up to 512 characters are allowed.
See the digital sender website for examples
LDAP Service Port TCP/IP port number on which the LDAP directory server is
listening. The default port is 389.
LDAP Account Name Account name used when the LDAP server requires an
authenticated login. Up to 512 characters are allowed.
LDAP Password Password associated with the LDAP Account Name.
I-fax menu
Fax Provider Domain Internet address for the Internet fax account. Issued by the
Internet fax provider.
Fax # Prefix Number placed before the fax number
Fax Postage Security feature required by some Internet fax providers.
Fax Account E-m a i E-mail address associated with the Internet fax account. Used
by the fax provider for billing purposes.
Fax File Format Format for documents sent by Internet fax.
Choices: PDF or TIFF
Configuration parameters on the control panel (continued)
Parameter Description