201Creating and administering disk groups
Reorganizing the contents of disk groups
plexes were placed on the same disks as the data plexes for convenience when
performing disk group split and move operations. As version 20 DCOs support
dirty region logging (DRL) in addition to Persistent FastResync, it is preferable
for the DCO plexes to be separated from the data plexes. This improves the
performance of I/O from/to the volume, and provides resilience for the DRL
Figure 4-7 illustrates some instances in which it is not be possible to split a disk
group because of the location of the DCO plexes on the disks of the disk group.
For more information about relocating DCO plexes, see “Specifying storage for
version 0 DCO plexes” on page 357 and “Specifying storage for version 20 DCO
plexes” on page 276.
For more information about the layout of DCO volumes and their use with
volume snapshots, see and “FastResync” on page 66. For more information
about the administration of volume snapshots, see “Volume snapshots” on
page 63 and “Administering volume snapshots” on page 303.