340 Administering volume snapshots
Creating instant snapshots
) to wait for the resynchronization of the reattached volume to
complete, as shown here:
# vxsnap -g snapdg snapwait myvol mirvol=prepsnap
Restoring a volume from an instant snapshot
It may sometimes be desirable to reinstate the contents of a volume from a
backup or modified replica in a snapshot volume. The following command may
be used to restore one or more volumes from the specified snapshots:
# vxsnap [-g diskgroup] restore volume|volume_set \
source=snapvolume|snapvolume_set \
[[volume2|volume_set2 source=snapvolume2|snapvolume_set2]...]\
[destroy=yes|no] [syncing=yes|no] [nmirror=number]
For a full-sized instant snapshot, some or all of its plexes may be reattached to
the parent volume or to a specified source volume in the snapshot hierarchy
above the snapshot volume. If
destroy=yes is specified, all the plexes of the full-
sized instant snapshot are reattached and the snapshot volume is removed.
For a space-optimized instant snapshot, the cached data is used to recreate the
contents of the specified volume. The space-optimized instant snapshot remains
unchanged by the
restore operation.
Note: For this operation to succeed, the volume that is being restored and the
snapshot volume must not be open to any application. For example, any file
systems that are configured on either volume must first be unmounted.
It is not possible to restore a volume from an unrelated volume.
The destroy and nmirror attributes are not supported for space-optimized
instant snapshots.
The following example demonstrates how to restore the volume, myvol, from
the space-optimized snapshot, snap3myvol.
# vxsnap -g mydg restore myvol source=snap3myvol
Dissociating an instant snapshot
The following command breaks the association between a full-sized instant
snapshot volume, snapvol, and its parent volume, so that the snapshot may be
used as an independent volume:
# vxsnap [-f] [-g diskgroup] dis snapvolume|snapvolume_set
This operation fails if the snapshot, snapvol, has a snapshot hierarchy below it
that contains unsynchronized snapshots. If this happens, the dependent
snapshots must be fully synchronized from snapvol. When no dependent