
CRX-24[Z] Device-Dependent Information
Supported Visuals
The following visuals are supported:
Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay -
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
Class DirectColor Depth 12 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
Class TrueColor Depth 12 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
Class DirectColor Depth 24 Layer Image -
doesn't support DBE and MBX double-buffering
Class TrueColor Depth 24 Layer Image -
doesn't support DBE and MBX double-buffering
Supported Screen Options
The following Screen Options are supported:
CRX-24[Z] Transparent Overlay Visuals
The default number of colormap entries in the overlay visual for the CRX-24[Z] is 255. Entry 255 is
excluded because its value is hard-coded to transparent (that is, show the image planes).
This may have the following two consequences for X11 applications running in the overlay planes (the
default visual):
Clients attempting to allocate 256 entries do not have their request granted.
Clients requesting (via XAllocNamedColor) the rgb.txt value of "Transparent" are not returned
entry 255.
This default behavior can be changed by setting the CountTransparentInOverlayVisual screen option.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 55