ointer Movement Functions
Movement Option Function Default Key
Move the pointer to the left. pointer_left_key keypad_1
Move the pointer to the right. pointer_right_key keypad_3
Move the pointer up. pointer_up_key keypad_5
Move the pointer down. pointer_down_key keypad_2
Add a modifier key to the pointer
direction keys.
pointer_key_mod1 (no default)
Add a second modifier key to the
pointer direction keys.
pointer_key_mod2 (no default)
Add a third modifier key to the
pointer direction keys.
pointer_key_mod3 (no default)
Note: The pointer direction keys are the keypad number keys on the right side of the keyboard, not the
keyboard number keys above the text character keys.
You can assign keyboard keys to pointer distances by specifying options in a X0pointerkeys file. The
following table lists the options that determine the distance of pointer movements, the X*pointerkeys
functions that control them, and their default value:
Pointer Distance Functions
Movement Function Default
Move the pointer a number of
pointer_move 10 pixels
Move the pointer using a modifier
pointer_mod1_amt 40 pixels
Move the pointer using a modifier
pointer_mod2_amt 1 pixel
Move the pointer using a modifier
pointer_mod3_amt 5 pixels
Add a modifier to the distance keys pointer_amt_mod1 no default
Add a modifier to the distance keys pointer_amt_mod2 no default
Add a modifier to the distance keys pointer_amt_mod3 no default
You can assign keyboard keys to mouse button operations by specifying options in a X*pointerkeys file.
The following table lists the button operations, the X*pointerkeys functions that control them, and their
default values:
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20