0224h–03FFh Reserved
Remaining capacity in partition
Maximum capacity in partition
Native capacities in MB, assuming no data compression.
TapeAlert flags The bits specify flags that were set during the previous load. 1 bit
per flag (MSB = flag 1, LSB = flag 64).
Load count The number of times this tape has been fully loaded. It is never
MAM space remaining The space currently free in the MAM. The total MAM capacity is
reported in the MAM Capacity attribute defined in “Standard
medium type attributes” on page 118.
Note that it may not always be possible to use all the free space in
a given MAM implementation. Depending on the internal
organization of the memory and the software that controls it,
fragmentation issues may mean that certain attribute sizes might
not be fully accommodated as the MAM nears its maximum
Assigning organization The Vendor ID of the organization that will define attribute 0006h.
It contains the string “LTO-CVE”.
Formatted density code The medium density code.
Device make/serial number at last
Device make/serial
number at load –
These attributes provide a rolling history of the last four device
servers in which the tape has been loaded. The format of the
attributes is as follows:
ID Attribute Size (bytes) Format
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Vendor Identification
7 (LSB)
8 (MSB)
Product Serial Number
39 (LSB)
Vendor Identification The same value as is returned in the SCSI INQUIRY command by
the device server, padded with ASCII spaces (20h).
Product Serial Number Vendor-assigned serial number, padded with ASCII spaces (20h).
Total MB written in medium life
Total MB read in medium life
The total number of data bytes written to or read from the tape (after any
data compression has been applied) over the entire tape life. These
figures are cumulative and will never be reset.
Total MB written in current/last
Total MB read in
current/last load
These are similar to the attributes above but apply to the current load (if
the tape is currently loaded) or the last load (if the tape is currently
unloaded). The device server should reset these attributes to zero when
the tape is loaded.