Supported Topologies 19
Product Description
Cascaded Long-Wave Hub Topology
Cascaded FC-AL, non-OFC, model L10 long-wave hubs use the long-wave port for the hub-
to-hub connection. The maximum supported distance between cascaded long-wave hubs
with single-mode 9 micron cable is 3 km. The maximum distance between a server and FC-
AL devices on cascaded long-wave hubs is, therefore, 4000 meters (500m + 3000m +
500m). Under certain conditions, cascaded long-wave hubs are supported up to 10,000
meters (10km) (see page105 for more information). The 10-km capability only applies to
long-wave hubs connected to HP-UX servers.
Caution When cascading long-wave hubs, only connect long-wave ports to long-wave
ports or short-wave ports to short-wave ports.
Ports 1 through 9 on each long-wave hub are for connections to FC-AL devices. Ports 1
through 9 can also be used in a cascaded configuration; however, the maximum distance
between hubs decreases from 3000 meters to 500 meters.
Figure 6 Example Topology: Cascaded Long-Wave Hubs
3000 m (long-wave port to long-wave port only)
500 m
500 m
FC-AL Devices
FC-AL Devices
Maximum distance between
server and FC-AL device = 4000 m
NOTE: Under certain conditions, the
maximum distance between an HP-UX
server and FC-AL device can be 11,000 m.
HP-UX Server
HP NetServer
NOTE: Connecting HP-UX
servers and HP NetServers
to the same hub is NOT
a supported configuration.
model L10 hub
model L10 hub