Enabling Hub Management 59
RS-232 Interface
The get community name must be the same name used when a device was added to
Fibre Channel Manager. If the names are not identical, Fibre Channel Manager cannot
report management information for this hub. The default value is public.
• set community name
The set community name must be the same name used when a device was added to
Fibre Channel Manager. If the names are not identical, Fibre Channel Manager cannot
set management parameters for this hub. The default value is private.
• SNMP trap community name
The hub includes the trap community name in event messages sent to the management
application. The default value is SNMP_trap.
• trap server IP addresses
This option sets the destination addresses for SNMP event messages. A maximum of
four addresses can be specified.
Caution If you enter the name of an existing IP address, the existing address is deleted.
• MIB-2 system name
This value is returned for the SNMP MIB-2 system.sysName variable.
• default values
This option resets the get, set, and trap community names to the default values.
To verify and set SNMP values, do the following:
1. Verify with your network administrator that the default get community name is
acceptable. The default is public.
2. Verify with your network administrator that the default set community name is
acceptable. The default is private.
3. Verify with your network administrator that the default trap community name is
acceptable. The default is SNMP_trap.