http://www.photosmart.com 23
5. Insert the photo sleeve into the photo insertion slot face up, with the seam end
pointing into the slot, as shown here:
6. Gently push the photo sleeve into the slot until the scanner light comes on and the
photo scanner pulls in the photo sleeve.
7. Begin using the HP PhotoSmart scanning software to adjust or store your scanned
image, as explained in the HP PhotoSmart Scanning Software Quick Reference and
the online Help.
Note: HP recommends against scanning prints smaller than 2 inches x 2 inches (or
50 mm x 50 mm) without using the photo sleeve. If you must scan a smaller
print without the photo sleeve:
1. Set the photo insertion slot for prints.
2. Insert the print into the center of the slot. (The sensor that detects prints
is located in the middle of the slot.)
Insert the photo sleeve
face up, seam pointing in