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Chapter 1 - Introduction
Welcome to the HP PhotoSmart S20 Photo Scanner Basics guide. The S20 photo
scanner is a compact scanner designed specifically for scanning photographs.
It can scan these photographic formats:
Mounted film — 35 mm mounted slides and mounted negatives
Film strips — 35 mm negative strips and slide strips, up to 5 frames scanned
at a time
Prints — up to a maximum size of 5 inches x 7 inches (or 127 mm x 178 mm)
The S20 photo scanner also comes with the HP PhotoSmart scanning software for
adjusting and storing scanned images with your PC.
This Basics guide helps you quickly set up the HP PhotoSmart scanning software and
S20 photo scanner with your PC. This guide then explains how to scan mounted film,
film strips, and prints with your photo scanner.
For information on using the scanning software, please see the HP PhotoSmart
Scanning Software Quick Reference and the online Help.
Checking the System Requirements
Both the HP PhotoSmart S20 photo scanner and the HP PhotoSmart scanning software
work with PCs running either Microsoft
95 or Windows 98. The specific
system requirements for the photo scanner and scanning software are as follows:
Minimum Required Recommended
or equivalent
Pentium MMX® or equivalent
RAM 16 MB 32 MB or more
Free hard disk space 100 MB 120 MB
Monitor/video 640 x 480, 256 colors 800 x 600 or more, 16-bit color
CD-ROM drive Double-speed (2X) Quad-speed (4X) or better
Sound card/speakers Not required 16-bit or better
Pointing device Mouse or compatible
Windows pointing device
Mouse or compatible
Windows pointing device
USB interface Available USB port Available USB port