
Managing the workstation blade 52
Go to Control panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > Security Options.
2. Ensure that Network Access: Sharing and security model for local accounts is set to Classic - local
users authenticate as themselves. This setting is also required for RGS operation, and might have
already been set.
After logging in, the Overall System Status page appears.
Local access to SMH
If you have a monitor, keyboard, and mouse connected to the Local I/O Cable, you can view SMH using:
Either of these URLs: ( or https://localhost:2381
The Start menu by clicking Start > All Programs > HP Management Agents > HP System Management
Homepage, which opens a browser window pointed to
The workstation blade is designed to work with HP SIM. If you created a custom Windows® image,
ensure that SNMP and the HP Insight Management Agents for Windows are installed.
HP Rapid Deployment Software
HP Insight Rapid Deployment Software is a deployment solution that facilitates the installation,
configuration, and deployment of high volumes of workstation blades through either a GUI-based or web-
based console. Rapid Deployment Software is designed to automate repetitive tasks such as configuring
and deploying operating system images, configuring network switches, and configuring BIOS settings.
System configuration time is reduced, making it possible to rapidly scale workstation blade deployments
to high volumes.
This section focuses primarily on image capture and image deployment techniques using Rapid
Deployment Software for the workstation blade.
HP Insight Rapid Deployment Software content
Rapid Deployment Software is based on Altiris Deployment Solution (DS) technology. Functionality
specific to HP ProLiant Systems is added by the ProLiant Integration Module (PIM)-a collection of scripts
that have been predefined for ProLiant systems to perform routine tasks. Interaction with Altiris DS occurs
in a GUI or web-based environment called the Deployment Server Console. The DS Console provides a
drag-and-drop interface for assigning jobs to computers (drag computer to job or job to computer).
Toolbar buttons provide shortcuts to common Altiris DS tasks.
Infrastructure requirements
Rapid Deployment Software requires the following:
DHCP server
PXE server