Brand of TV CODE
A mark 318,360
Aasic Line 144
Abex 374
Accuscan 105,331,336,339,362
Admiral 032,136,243,246,257,253,331,336,347,381,464,487
Aico 363
Aiwa 225,424,471,222
Akai 005,045,085,087,140,168
Alba 031
Albiral 001,009
Alleron 344,512
Amark 553
Ambassador 359
Amenicaction 240
Amstrad 006,204,359,551
Atron 185
Anam 105,240,321,339,360
Anam National 455,504,586,484,185
AOC 045,241,319,354,360,373,383,456,520,489,089,081
Archer 360,553
Aristona 149
Arthur 107
ASA 007,009,013,024,026,032,091,107,114,136,142
Audinac 276
Audiosonic 141
Audiovox 105,240,244,339,360,185
Ausind 007,008,024, 091
Autovox 004,007,012,015,024, 041,075,076,091,097,114,134, 591
AWA 033,140,141,169
Baird 143
BCR 005,032,115,046,064
BEKO 151
Bell & Howell 105,381,408,098
Blaupunkt 010,018,020,053,065,085,208
Bradford 105,240.339,185
Brandt 005,032,115,046,064,072
Brionvega 097,136
Broksonic 103,243,247,256,345,350,360,519,530
Bruns 139
BSR 016,019,021,033,219
Bush(UK) 022,107,
Cabletime 212
Candle 045,353,354,376,383,450,501,081,074
Capehart 316,334
Carver 235,327
Celebrity 231,365,382,087
Centruion 334
Century 128,129,136
CGE 007,019,023,024,033,091,128,133,150,151,
CGM 090
Changhong 124,141,173,502
Citizen 045,204,233,475,506,449,450,451
Clairtone 241,489
Clarivox 001, 009,147,148
Classic 502
Colortyme 250,319,384,457,552,081,060,101
Concerto 081
Concierge 566
Conte/Cony 385,489,572
Contec 022,103, 219,339,355,240
Contec/Cony 070,185
Continental 005,032,115,046,064
Coronado 318
Craig 105,240,262,263,264,265,339,185
Crosley 024,025,045,128,136,235
Crown 105,233,240,265,318,339,449
CTC Clatronic 093
Curtis Mather 380,386,449
Curtis Mathes 045,204,247,261,265,331,333,336,348,354,233,237,235,560,503,506,081,135,096
CXC 105,240,339
Daewoo 149,204,233,244,247,277,278,282,313,363,370,372,373,428,449,
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Code Table of The Universal Remote