Adelphia 069
Aeon 004
Allegro 031,033,063
Americast 073
Antronix 045
APO 018
Archer 036,045
Asiagiant 003,015
AT&T 082
Bell&howell 038
BEST 001
Cabletenna 045
Cableview 045
Century 031
Citizen 031
Colour Voice 046,047
Comtronics 028
Contec/Cony 066,043,089
Eastern 009,010,011,012
Emerson 036
Everquest 027,028
Garrard 031
GE 055
Gemini 027,036,054,048
General Instrument 060,077,082,042
GMI 017,020,021
Goldster/LG 030
Goodmind 036
Hamlin 025,078,081,090
Hughes 038
Hytex 024
IEEC 008,016
Jasco 027,033
Jebsee 000
Jeemon 038
Jerrold/GI 037,038,101,102,103,104,042,099,058,077,082
Koka 004,007
Movie Time 070,029,091
NSC 029,070,091
OAK 002,024,043,066,076,092,08
Panasonic 056,044,051
Philips 031,054,046,047,048,105
Philips/Magnavox 061,062
Pioneer 030,035,075,084,049,093
Radio Shack 061,062,063,027,033,036
RCA 056,044,050
Recoton 034
Rembrandt 038
Samsung 028,030,049
Scientific Atlanta 064,065,067,069, 071,075,074,039,040,094,095,096
Sigma 043
Signal 027,028
Signature 038
Skygiant 013,014
Slmarx 028
Sprucer 044,056
Standard Components 097
StarTrak 068
Starcom 027,042,102
Stargate 027,028,036
Starquest 027
Tada 023
Taicom 004
Tandy 079
Tay Shoen 008,019
Telemedia 038
Teleview 028
Tocom 026,041,058,088,103
Toshiba 022
Tusa 027
TV86 029,070,091
United cable 042
Universal 031,032,045
Video Tech 080
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Code Table of The Universal Remote