DVD error has occurred. The disc may be dirty.
Formatting is not Remove the disc and wipe off fingerprints, dust, etc. before
complete, reusing it, or use another disc. 11, 105
This message may also appear if you insert a disc for which
formatting was interrupted midway. In this case, use another disc.
DVD error has occurred. Disc error could have occurred during editing of scenes.
Keep DVD inside & Turn off the DVD video camera/recorder with the disc being used
restart, in it, connect AC adapter/charger, and then power the DVD video
camera/recorder again. Repair of scenes will be tried.
DVD error has occurred. This message will appear if disc error has occurred during
Please keep DVD inside dubbing. Connect the AC adapter/charger to DVD video camera/
and set power switch to recorder, and set the power switch to "DVD": Video file will be
"DVD". repaired.
DVD error has occurred. This message will appear when disc error occurred during
Unfinalizing is not unfinalization, and unfinalizing disc failed. Replace the disc. 109
DVD error has occurred. • Use another disc.
• See *3 and *4 on page 145. 11,26
• Mismatch in recording information may be caused by editing
done on some device other than this DVD video camera/
recorder. 105
Initialize the disc or use another disc.
• Initializing the disc will erase all data on it.
DVD full. Cannot This message will appear if the capacity of the scene selected is
execute, larger than the free space on disc. Select another scene, or use 83
another DVD.
DVD must be finalized • This message will appear if you remove a DVD-RW (VF-mode)/
before it can be played DVD-R that has not been finalized from the DVD video camera/
back on DVD player or recorder. 114
DVD recorder. • See *5 on page 145.
Drive overheat. Please The temperature inside the DVD video camera/recorder is too
retry later, high, and writing to disc or reading from HDD or disc may not be
)erformed normally. 33
Turn the DVD video camera/recorder off and wait for a while. The
temperature will be effectively decreased if the DVD video
camera/recorder is placed in a well-ventilated spot.
DVD-R* cannot dub the With a DVD-RW (VF-mode)/DVD-R/+RW, no video can be
scene recorded in STD recorded with a combination of movie quality "STD" and 16:9
mode and 16:9. mode "On". Replace the disc with a DVD-RAM or DVD-RW (VR- 85
mode) for dubbing.
* "DVD-RW (VF)" will appear when using a DVD-RW (VF-mode),
"+RW" will appear when using a +RW.
DVD-R*, Different video With a DVD-RW (VF-mode)/DVD-R, the movie quality mode and
mode, 16:9 and 4:3 16:9 mode cannot be changed in the middle of disc: Change the
mode cannot exist movie to be dubbed or replace the disc with a DVD-RAM or DVD- 66
together. RW (VR-mode).
* "DVD-RW (VF)" will appear when using a DVD-RW (VF-rnode).
DVD-R*, 16:9 mode With DVD-RW (VF-mode)/DVD-R/+RW, the setting of 16:9 mode
cannot be changed, will not be possible when the Video mode is STD.
when Video mode is * "DVD-RW (VF)" will appear when using a DVD-RW (VF-mode),
STD. "+RW" will appear when using a +RW.