• If you wish to delete the letter for title, press the •
button once: The input letter will be deleted. Holding
down the • button will delete all letters in the TITLE
• You can also use the DELETE button on remote
controlto delete any input letters.
• Pressing the PHOTOISELECT button on the title
settingscreen (instep 5) willchange the cursor
positionfrom the titleinput bar to character select
palette,input mode number and then to "Cancel". You
can also use the 14_IIP_I/_/DHI_ buttons to move
the cursor upldown and tothe left/rightand change its
• To cancel the settingof title,choose "NO" on the
screen forverifyingthe entered title:The screen for
verifyingcancellation of titlesettingwillappear. To
cancel titlesetting,choose "YES".
• Ifyou press the • button on the screen for verifying
change intitle,the titlesettingscreen willbe restored.
• Double byte characters set on other devices may be
displayed blank on thisDVD video camera/recorder.
• Titlesset on thisDVD video camera/recorder may not
be visibleon other devices.
OCharacters available for entering I
You can choose the title input mode: "capital
letter", "small letter" or "symbol".
To change the input nrode in step 5, press the
DISPLAY button, or use the PHOTO/SELECT
button to place tile cursor on the input mode,
and then press the "/|| button.
TITLE F12,_ '2006 l TITLE
_ABCDE GH K i _b_defQnijklm i
_NOPQaST VWXYZ _nopqrstuvw×yz i
I_'"'?_'_"T ¸¸_¸I I I _ _ E_t_r _ C_no_II