Rev. 1.0, 07/01, page 119 of 372
Port 5 has the following registers. For details on register addresses and register states during each
process, refer to section 19, Internal I/O Register.
Port mode register 5(PMR5)
Port control register 5(PCR5)
Port data register 5(PDR5)
Port pull-up control register 5(PUCR5)
9.3.1 Port Mode Register 5(PMR5)
PMR5 switches the functions of pins in port 5.
Bit Bit Name Initial Value R/W Description
These bits are always read as 0 and cannot be modified.
5 WKP5 0 R/W P55/WKP5 Pin Function Switch
Selects whether pin P55/WKP5 is used as P55 or as
WKP5/ADTRG input.
0: P55 I/O port
1: WKP5/ADTRG input pin
4 WKP4 0 R/W P54/WKP4 Pin Function Switch
Selects whether pin P54/WKP4 is used as P54 or as WKP4.
0: P54 I/O port
1: WKP4 input pin
3 WKP3 0 R/W P53/WKP3 Pin Function Switch
Selects whether pin P53/WKP3 is used as P53 or as WKP3.
0: P53 I/O port
1: WKP3 input pin
2 WKP2 0 R/W P52/WKP2 Pin Function Switch
Selects whether pin P52/WKP2 is used as P52 or as WKP2.
0: P52 I/O port
1: WKP2 input pin
1 WKP1 0 R/W P51/WKP1 Pin Function Switch
Selects whether pin P51/WKP1 is used as P51 or as WKP1.
0: P51 I/O port
1: WKP1 input pin