Rev. 1.0, 07/01, page 137 of 372
Section 11 Timer V
Timer V is an 8-bit timer based on an 8-bit counter. Timer V counts external events. Compare-
match signals with two registers can also be used to reset the counter, request an interrupt, or
output a pulse signal with an arbitrary duty cycle. Counting can be initiated by a trigger input at
the TRGV pin, enabling pulse output control to be synchronized to the trigger, with an arbitrary
delay from the trigger input. Figure 11-1 shows a block diagram of timer V.
11.1 Features
Choice of seven clock signals are available.
Choice of six internal clock sources (ø/128, ø/64, ø/32, ø/16, ø/8, ø/4) or an external clock (can
be used as an external event counter).
Counter can be cleared by compare match A or B, or by an external reset signal. If the count
stop function is selected, the counter can be halted when cleared.
Timer output is controlled by two independent compare match signals, enabling pulse output
with an arbitrary duty cycle, PWM output, and other applications.
Three interrupt sources: compare match A, compare match B, timer overflow
Counting can be initiated by trigger input at the TRGV pin. The rising edge, falling edge, or
both edges of the TRGV input can be selected.