āCā Group: Intelligent Terminal Functions
Configuring Drive
39 OLR Overload restriction ON Selects current overload parameter set 2
(B024, B025, B026)
OFF Selects current overload parameter set 1
(B021, B022, B023)
40 TL Torque limit enable ON Enables torque limit feature
OFF Disables all torque limit sources. Defaults to 200% of
inverter rated torque output.
41 TRQ1 Torque limit selection,
bit 1 (LSB)
ON Logical 1
OFF Logical 0
42 TRQ2 Torque limit selection,
bit 2 (MSB)
ON Logical 1
OFF Logical 0
43 PPI Proportional /
mode selection
ON Selects Proportional-only control
OFF Selects Proportional-Integral control
44 BOK Brake confirmation
ON Indicates external brake has released (used only for
external brake control function)
OFF Indicates the external brake has not yet released
45 ORT Orientation (home
ON The encoder is in the home (oriented) position
OFF The encoder position is not in the home position
46 LAC LAC: LAD cancel ON Disables the Linear Accel / Decel (LAD) mode
OFF Normal Linear Accel / Decel mode
47 PCLR Position deviation reset ON Clears the position deviation by setting the actual
position equal to the desired position
OFF Position count operates normally
48 STAT Pulse train position
command input enable
ON Enables the pulse train control of motor
OFF Disables pulse train control of motor
no ā Not selected ON (input ignored)
OFF (input ignored)
Input Function Summary Table
Function Name Description