SJ300 Inverter
Appendix B
Command – 02 The 02 command assigns the function of the intelligent input terminals.
The frame format of command 02 follows the
timing diagram and specification table.
The 16-byte data string is specified in the following table:
Element Description Size Value
STX Control code (STart of TeXt) 1 byte STX (0x02)
Node Node (station) address of inverter 2 bytes 01 to 32, and FF (broadcast to all
Command Transmission command 2 bytes 02
Data Transmission data 16 bytes (see table below)
BCC Block check sum code 2 bytes Exclusive OR of Node,
Command, and Data
[CR] Control code (carriage return) 1 byte [CR] (0x0D)
STX Node Command Data BCC [CR]
Frame format
Data (Hex) Description Data (Hex) Description
0000000000000001 [FW] Forward command 0000000001000000 [PIDC] PID integrator reset
0000000000000002 [RV] Reverse command 0000000002000000 —
0000000000000004 [CF1] Multi-speed 1 0000000004000000 [CAS] control gain switching function
0000000000000008 [CF2] Multi-speed 2 0000000008000000 [UP] remote control increment speed
0000000000000010 [CF3] Multi-speed 3 0000000010000000 [DWN] remote control decrement
0000000000000020 [CF4] Multi-speed 4 0000000020000000 [UDC] remote control clear up/down
0000000000000040 [JG] Jog operation 0000000040000000 —
0000000000000080 [DB] Dynamic braking 0000000080000000 [OPE] Force from operator terminal
0000000000000100 [SET] set 2nd motor 0000000100000000 [SF1] Multi-speed bit-level
0000000000000200 [2CH] 2-stage adjustable speed 0000000200000000 [SF2] Multi-speed bit-level
0000000000000400 — 0000000400000000 [SF3] Multi-speed bit-level
0000000000000800 [FRS] Free-run stop 0000000800000000 [SF4] Multi-speed bit-level
0000000000001000 [EXP] External trip 0000001000000000 [SF5] Multi-speed bit-level
0000000000002000 [USP] Unattended start protection 0000002000000000 [SF6] Multi-speed bit-level
0000000000004000 [CS] Commercial power change 0000004000000000 [SF7] Multi-speed bit-level
0000000000008000 [SFT] Software lock 0000008000000000 [OLR] Overload restriction setting
0000000000010000 [AT] analog input voltage/current 0000010000000000 [TL] Torque limit
0000000000020000 [SET3] Set 3rd motor 0000020000000000 [TRQ1] Torque limit select 1
0000000000040000 [RS] Reset 0000040000000000 [TRQ2] Torque limit select 2
0000000000080000 — 0000080000000000 [PPI P/PI] inverter mode select
0000000000100000 [STA] 3-wire Start 0000100000000000 [BOK] Brake confirmation
0000000000200000 [ST]P 3-wire Hold 0000200000000000 [ORT] Orientation (home) command
0000000000400000 [F/R] 3-wire FWD/REV 0000400000000000 [LAC] Linear Accel/decel Cancel
0000000000800000 [PID] PID enable 0000800000000000 [PCLR] Position error clear
— — 0001000000000000 [STAT] Pulse train input enable