HiSpeed Switch Troubleshooting GUide
Doc Part Number, Version Number
Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential
HiView Switch Management
The HiSpeed switch can be configured using Hitachi’s HiView graphical user
interface (GUI) application. HiView uses Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) to communicate to the SNMP agent residing on the switch.
Configurations to the switch can be made easily by simply dragging and dropping
icons from one window to another. The HiSpeed switch supports the following
RMON groups: 1,2,3 and 9. A third party Network Management software is
needed to probe the switch for statistics, history, alarms, and events. The
following Network Management software have been tested with the HiSpeed
❒ SNMPC by Castle Rock
❒ MeterWare by Technically Elite (further testing needed for Hitachi’s private
❒ SNMPTalk by Epilouge
However, any Network Management software will run on the HiSpeed switch.
HiView can be installed to run on both Windows 95/NT 4.0 and Unix platforms.
Minimum system requirements are as follows:
Windows 95/Windows NT 4.0
The minimum system requirements to run under Windows 95/NT 4.0 are as
❒ Pentium 133 Mhz processor
❒ 16 MB of memory
❒ 10 MB free disk space
❒ 1024 X 768 monitor resolution with 256 colors
❒ Microsoft (or compatible) mouse