US7070447-001, Rev 01
Chapter 8
VLAN Concepts
A VLAN is a network that logically divides workgroups by functions,
applications, etc. without regards to the physical location of users, thereby
localizing network traffic to those you would communicate with most often.
VLANs are bounded by routers, therefore, data within a VLAN does not leave the
VLAN without routing.
The HiSpeed switch uses IP routing to forward packets across different VLANs.
Routing must be enabled per VLAN and assigned an IP address. When routing is
enabled, a Virtual Router port is created and traffic is routed onto the VLAN via
that Virtual Router port.
The HiSpeed switch implements VLANs on a per port(s) basis. Ports assigned to
a VLAN share the same broadcast whereas ports not belonging to that VLAN are
not part of that broadcast domain. By separating groups into different VLANs,
overall network performance is improved. Unlike rule-based VLANs, multiple
VLANs do not share the same physical segment (or switch port(s)).
The HiSpeed switch is pre-configured with a default VLAN 1. In order
to route between VLANs, you must either connect an external router to the
switch or enable IP routing per VLAN.