Conî‚¿guration via Menus Function
59.94/29.97 50/25
1/2000 1/1750
1/1500 1/1250
1/1000 1/1000
1/725 1/600
1/500 1/425
1/350 1/300
1/250 1/215
1/180 1/150
1/125 1/120
1/100 1/100
1/90 1/75
1/60 1/50
1/30 1/25
1/15 1/12
This sets the aperture when
Manual or Iris are selected.
You can choose from among
CLOSE, F16, F14, F11, F9.6,
F8.0, F6.8, F5.6, F4.8, F4.0,
F3.4, F2.8, F2.4, F2.0, F1.6
and F1.4.
Gain Limit
This sets the upper limit of
sensitivity (gain) when Auto,
Shutter, Iris, Spotlight or White
Board are selected. It can be
set in a range from 0 to 30dB
(31 steps).
Slow Shutter
This sets the minimum value
of the slow shutter speed
when Auto is selected.
When the image output format
is 59.94/29.97, you can select
from 1/60, 1/30 or 1/15.
When the image output format
is 50/25, you can select from
1/50, 1/25 or 1/12.
Aperture Limit
This sets the maximum
amount the aperture can be
opened when Auto is selected.
You can choose from F2.4,
F2.0, F1.6 and F1.4.