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Conguration via Menus Function
Swivel Setup
Reversing Pan/Tilt
This allows you to reverse the pan/
tilt movement when the cursors
/ / /
] are pressed.
To reverse left/right movement, set
Reverse Pan to ON; to reverse up/
down movement, set Reverse Tilt to
If System Select Switch 10
(installation method selection)
is changed to ON (ceiling
installation), both reverse pan
and reverse tilt go to ON; if
Switch 10 is turned OFF (desktop
installation), both reverse pan and
reverse tilt go to OFF. (P. 15)
Limiting the Pan/Tilt
It is possible to limit the range that
the camera can pan or tilt.
To limit the range it can move, turn
the setting ON and then specify the
range for each parameter: left and
right edges for panning and up/down
edges for tilting.
The left and right edges can be set
in a range from -175° to +175°, while
the top/bottom limits can be set from
+90° to -30° (desktop installation) or
+30° to -90° (ceiling installation) and
can be set in 1° increments.
If the System Select Switch 10
(installation method selection)
is changed, the limits of the
camera's movable range turn
OFF and the congured movable
range goes to the maximum
movable range.
• When installed on desktop: L
(-175°), R (+175°), Up (+90°),
Down (-30°)
• When installed on the ceiling:
L (-175°), R (+175°), Up (+30°),
Down (-90°)
Setting the Pan/Tilt
This allows you to set the pan/tilt
speed when the cursors [
/ /
] are pressed.
The speed can be set from mode 1
(slow) to mode 5 (fast).
The speed may not change even
though its setting is, due to the
range of movement.