
Figure 11 Example of Fuel Map with Graphical Representation
TIP: This red box will move around. Notice where the red box is when the engine starts. If the engine stalls, leave the
key on and increase the values in the area where the engine was trying to idle. Raise this area in increments of 5
units at a time. A typical small block or big block with 24-36 lb./hr. injectors should usually only need a number
between 22 and 40 in the fuel map depending on many variables. The bigger the injectors and the smaller the engine,
the smaller these values will be. If the car is stalling, it is unlikely it is too rich unless the fuel is very excessive. Keep
adding fuel in the area that the engine is running in until it stays idling. Let the engine come up to operating
temperature. Be careful not to make the engine too rich as damage to the rings can result.
NOTE: As mentioned, if the engine seems to be struggling for air, open the throttle plates more.
TIP: The ignition timing, which will be adjusted once the engine idle is maintained, can cause the engine to stall if it is off a
lot. Keep this in mind.
CAUTION! Make sure the engine coolant temperature is not getting too hot. This can be monitored on the data
monitor at the top of the fuel map screen.
After the engine has stabilized, the timing must be synchronized if timing control is being used. If timing control is not
being used (as with any mechanical advance distributor), set the distributor advance to the proper specifications. If
computer controlled timing is used, bring up the spark map (“Spark” and “Main Spark Map” ). This is the main spark
map. The following (Figure 12) is an example of an engine idling with a steady spark advance of 19°.