Fuel Graph – This is a graphical representation of the fuel cell values. When properly tuned, the fuel map should be smooth.
The graph mode can be used to refine the fuel values into a smoother curve. You will want to view some of the supplied fuel
maps to see what a fuel graph should look like once finished. Once you become familiar with engine tuning, you can often
tune an engine very close by tuning 10 to 15 points and using the fuel graph feature to fill in the rest. You can move around
this map using the arrow keys and can alter values by pressing the shift or ctrl key along with the up or down arrow. Naturally,
the up arrow increments the values and the down key decrements the values. The shift key causes the step amount to be one
unit whereas using the ctrl key causes the changes to be made by 5 units. After making changes, the new value is not sent
until you press “Enter” or move off the cell using one of the arrow keys.
Figure 40
Startup Enrichment- The following five parameters are used by the ECU during cranking and shortly after the engine actually
Figure 41
Cranking Pulse Width – Often, the amount of fuel needed is greater when starting the car than when actually running. This
table allows the user to define the injector pulse width during cranking and to specify different amounts based on the engine
Afterstart Enrichment – Once an engine is started, it will require a slightly richer fuel mixture for a short period of time. This
table allows the user to specify the amount of enrichment the engine will receive. The values shown will be in percent with
numbers greater than 100 increasing the base fuel delivery and numbers less than 100 reduce the fuel delivery.